Recipient Stories

A Gift of Sight, a Gift of Hope.

Our recipients discovered hope.

Many cornea recipients write to us with inspiring stories of their newfound gift of sight. They regain their independence, marveling at the joys of watching their grandchildren play or seeing the leaves on trees again. Our recipients also express their deep condolences for the loss felt by the families of donors. Thanks to their kindness and generosity, their loss is transformed into hope.

We’re honored to present some of their stories to you.

Cornea Recipient Roger

Grateful for the generous gift!!

Donor Family,

My name is Roger and I am semi-retired. We have 2 adult sons and I am interested in working with Habitat for Humanity as a volunteer builder.

I suffered from a disease in the cornea of my eyes that blurred my vision. The disease required a cornea implant which was possible from the cornea tissue from your family.

Thanks to your donor gift - my life improved through the gift of vision. Years of suffering with blurry vision kept me from hobbies and interests that are now possible.

I am grateful to the generous donor who made my life so much better.



Cornea Recipient Evelyn

Threading a needle!

Dear Donor Family,

Please accept my sympathy for the loss of your family member.

I'm writing to thank the donor and you for the gift of cornea tissue. My right eye was seeing very little detail, not enough to provide depth perception. But the precious donor cells fixed my scratched cornea, and I can thread a needle with ease.



Cornea Recipient Karen

I can do crafts again!!

Donor Family,

Thank you so very much for your family member. My sincere condolences on the lost of your loved one.

I am a wife & grandmother and my wish was to be able to do the crafts I could not see to do anymore.

I am very grateful for your gift to me.

Karen, cornea recipient

Cornea Recipient Judy

Eternally Grateful

Dear Donor Family,

Thank you so very much for your family member. My sincere condolences on the lost of your loved one.

Words cannot express my overwhelming gratitude for the gift of my sight. I am a mother to two beautiful daughters and three grandchildren and a wife as well. Recently I learned that I had inherited a gene from my mother that was causing me to lose my eyesight rapidly. I made the decision to have a corneal transplant so that I could see and hug my children and grandchildren and share their growing up experiences. You have given me the ultimate gift of my sight at a huge sacrifice to your family. I will be eternally grateful for your miraculous gift. I will remember you always. Thank you with all my heart.
